Standards Alignment Education Campaign

new standards

The Washington State Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) is in the process of updating the child care licensing rules. The new standards will go into effect August 1, 2019 and involve:

  • Updating Licensing, Early Achievers and ECEAP requirements
  • Creating a progression of standards and regulations between licensed child care, Early Achievers and ECEAP, so that the early learning system has a unified set of regulations that are easy to understand by providers in the field.


We recognize and respect social, linguistic, cultural, and ethnic diversity, and the unique needs of families and communities. We acknowledge opportunity gaps exists for children and families based on race, ethnicity, gender, income, ability, culture, and geography. We commit to eliminating these gaps and addressing root causes.


We commit to making Washington Communities for Children impactful and effective. We recognize systems work is complex and requires constant and continuous design. We will define our desired outcomes, document our progress, and measure results. We adhere to the principles of Minimum Viable Product (MVP), adjusting and changing plans as needed.